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read_sf downloads boundaries from the ONS Open Geography Portal.


  year = 2021,
  nations = c("E", "S", "W", "N"),
  type = "BGC",
  crs = 4326



Type of boundaries

Administrative Boundaries available:

- Countries/Nations ("NAT")

- Regions (England ONLY) ("GOR")

- Upper Tier Local Authorities ("UTLA")

- Lower Tier Local Authorities ("LAD")

Census Boundaries available:

- Output Area ("OA")

- Lower Super Output Area ("LSOA")

- Middle Super Output Area ("MSOA")

Electoral Boundaries available:

- Westminster Parliamentary Constituencies ("WM")

- European Union Parliamentary Constituencies ("EU")

- Welsh Assembly Constituencies ("WAC")

- Welsh Assembly Regions ("WAR")

Eurostat NUTS Boundaries available:

- NUTS Level 1 (NUTS1)

- NUTS Level 2 (NUTS2)

- NUTS Level 3 (NUTS3)


Year (use available_sf() to see available years for each set of boundaries)


For which UK nations (c("E","W","S","N"))


Boundary clipping

- "BFE": Full Resolution Extent of the Realm (Low Tide)

- "BFC": Full Resolution Clipped (High Tide)

- "BGC": Generalised (20m) Clipped (High Tide)

- "BUC": Ultra Generalised (500m) Clipped (High Tide)


Coordinate Reference System (ESPG).

It is recommend to use 4326 (World Geodetic System) or potentially 27700 (UK OS British National Grid)


Output is a simple feature sf object containing the relevant boundaries.


#> Simple feature collection with 4 features and 11 fields
#> Geometry type: MULTIPOLYGON
#> Dimension:     XY
#> Bounding box:  xmin: -8.649996 ymin: 49.86479 xmax: 1.763706 ymax: 60.86078
#> Geodetic CRS:  WGS 84
#>          cd               nm          ctry21n  bng_e  bng_n     long      lat
#> 1 E92000001          England           Lloegr 394883 370883 -2.07811 53.23497
#> 2 N92000002 Northern Ireland Gogledd Iwerddon  86544 535337 -6.85570 54.61501
#> 3 S92000003         Scotland         Yr Alban 277744 700060 -3.97094 56.17743
#> 4 W92000004            Wales            Cymru 263405 242881 -3.99417 52.06741
#>   objectd  st_ln__      st_r_s_          country                       geometry
#> 1       1 12457826 130457695413          England MULTIPOLYGON (((0.1317464 5...
#> 2       2  1048307  14330039999 Northern Ireland MULTIPOLYGON (((-6.481663 5...
#> 3       3 17029774  78795447769         Scotland MULTIPOLYGON (((-3.373745 5...
#> 4       4  3027839  20782249641            Wales MULTIPOLYGON (((-3.308212 5...
read_sf("MSOA", year = 2011)
#> Simple feature collection with 7201 features and 7 fields
#> Geometry type: MULTIPOLYGON
#> Dimension:     XY
#> Bounding box:  xmin: -6.418524 ymin: 49.86474 xmax: 1.762942 ymax: 55.81107
#> Geodetic CRS:  WGS 84
#> First 10 features:
#>    id        cd                  mso11nm                  ms11nmw st_r_s_
#> 1   1 E02000001       City of London 001       City of London 001 2905399
#> 2   2 E02000002 Barking and Dagenham 001 Barking and Dagenham 001 2165634
#> 3   3 E02000003 Barking and Dagenham 002 Barking and Dagenham 002 2143565
#> 4   4 E02000004 Barking and Dagenham 003 Barking and Dagenham 003 2490215
#> 5   5 E02000005 Barking and Dagenham 004 Barking and Dagenham 004 1186180
#> 6   6 E02000007 Barking and Dagenham 006 Barking and Dagenham 006 1733916
#> 7   7 E02000008 Barking and Dagenham 007 Barking and Dagenham 007 1419309
#> 8   8 E02000009 Barking and Dagenham 008 Barking and Dagenham 008  965622
#> 9   9 E02000010 Barking and Dagenham 009 Barking and Dagenham 009 1120326
#> 10 10 E02000011 Barking and Dagenham 010 Barking and Dagenham 010 1602157
#>     st_ln__ country                       geometry
#> 1  9024.060 England MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.09675966...
#> 2  8152.698 England MULTIPOLYGON (((0.1481122 5...
#> 3  9118.449 England MULTIPOLYGON (((0.150653 51...
#> 4  8207.610 England MULTIPOLYGON (((0.1851074 5...
#> 5  6964.962 England MULTIPOLYGON (((0.1499051 5...
#> 6  6773.957 England MULTIPOLYGON (((0.1600451 5...
#> 7  8427.797 England MULTIPOLYGON (((0.136055 51...
#> 8  5958.160 England MULTIPOLYGON (((0.1169839 5...
#> 9  7651.809 England MULTIPOLYGON (((0.156482 51...
#> 10 7770.863 England MULTIPOLYGON (((0.1656968 5...
read_sf("EU", year = 2018, type = "BFC")
#> Simple feature collection with 12 features and 10 fields
#> Geometry type: MULTIPOLYGON
#> Dimension:     XY
#> Bounding box:  xmin: -8.649996 ymin: 49.86468 xmax: 1.763571 ymax: 60.86079
#> Geodetic CRS:  WGS 84
#> First 10 features:
#>    id        cd                  eer18nm  bng_e  bng_n      long      lat
#> 1   1 E15000001               North East 417313 600358 -1.728900 55.29703
#> 2   2 E15000002               North West 350015 506280 -2.772370 54.44945
#> 3   3 E15000003 Yorkshire and The Humber 446903 448736 -1.287120 53.93264
#> 4   4 E15000004            East Midlands 477660 322635 -0.849670 52.79572
#> 5   5 E15000005            West Midlands 386294 295477 -2.203580 52.55697
#> 6   6 E15000006                  Eastern 571074 263229  0.504146 52.24067
#> 7   7 E15000007                   London 517516 178392 -0.308640 51.49227
#> 8   8 E15000008               South East 470062 172924 -0.993110 51.45097
#> 9   9 E15000009               South West 285015 102567 -3.633430 50.81119
#> 10 10 N07000001         Northern Ireland  86601 535325 -6.854810 54.61494
#>        st_r_s_   st_ln__          country                       geometry
#> 1   8592429309 1008417.3          England MULTIPOLYGON (((-2.024151 5...
#> 2  14164090946 2075329.2          England MULTIPOLYGON (((-2.675591 5...
#> 3  15409123400 1385386.8          England MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.7907309 ...
#> 4  15643271943 1332321.1          England MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.2997642 ...
#> 5  13003737759  953904.5          England MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.958916 5...
#> 6  19135563220 2646529.1          England MULTIPOLYGON (((0.9906409 5...
#> 7   1573509571  420201.1          England MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.0968623 ...
#> 8  19088242760 2460926.1          England MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.6821292 ...
#> 9  23851369852 3400336.0          England MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.762504 5...
#> 10 14333249704 1143121.8 Northern Ireland MULTIPOLYGON (((-6.482114 5...
read_sf("NUTS1", year = 2018, nations = "E")
#> Simple feature collection with 9 features and 10 fields
#> Geometry type: MULTIPOLYGON
#> Dimension:     XY
#> Bounding box:  xmin: -6.418622 ymin: 49.86474 xmax: 1.763571 ymax: 55.81107
#> Geodetic CRS:  WGS 84
#>   id  cd                  nts118n  bng_e  bng_n      long      lat     st_r_s_
#> 1  1 UKC     North East (England) 417313 600358 -1.728900 55.29703  8592514533
#> 2  2 UKD     North West (England) 350015 506280 -2.772370 54.44945 14163828445
#> 3  3 UKE Yorkshire and The Humber 446903 448736 -1.287120 53.93264 15409346548
#> 4  4 UKF  East Midlands (England) 477660 322635 -0.849670 52.79572 15643166718
#> 5  5 UKG  West Midlands (England) 386294 295477 -2.203580 52.55697 13003726932
#> 6  6 UKH          East of England 571074 263229  0.504146 52.24067 19134639812
#> 7  7 UKI                   London 517516 178392 -0.308640 51.49227  1573498439
#> 8  8 UKJ     South East (England) 470062 172924 -0.993110 51.45097 19088634620
#> 9  9 UKK     South West (England) 285015 102567 -3.633430 50.81119 23851849460
#>     st_ln__ country                       geometry
#> 1  983195.8 England MULTIPOLYGON (((-2.029408 5...
#> 2 1986497.8 England MULTIPOLYGON (((-2.676443 5...
#> 3 1358823.1 England MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.792227 5...
#> 4 1297836.9 England MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.3009304 ...
#> 5  921187.1 England MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.950726 5...
#> 6 2492564.9 England MULTIPOLYGON (((1.015736 52...
#> 7  409656.3 England MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.09953576...
#> 8 2341969.8 England MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.6846535 ...
#> 9 3189137.2 England MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.757683 5...

if (FALSE) {
read_sf("UTLA", nations = c("E","W"))